Wednesday 20 April 2016

Accessibility in Games

For this last task we were told to write about a game that made us aware of our bodies. The game I have decided to write about is Wii Sports Resorts. Each sport in the game involves some movement of the body, which keeps you alert and motivated. There is also an extra part for the wiimote that comes with the game, the motion plus adapter, which allows the wiimote to record more complex and precise movements. Some of the sports include canoeing which involves you moving the wiimote like you would using oars in a real canoe, sword play which involves swinging the wiimote like a sword, or frisbee where you twist the wiimote the way you'd twist a real frisbee. These kind of games, with their kinaesthetic way of learning, make you very aware about what each part of your body does when doing these motions in real life. Especially with ones like the frisbee movement, where you clearly cannot launch the wiimote across the room so have to make your movements more exaggerated.

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